
olimex EKGEMG non realtime replay - dorty2k

ECG/EKG using Olimex-Shield on Ardunio-UNO... dorty2k Published on Feb 25, 2013


In the Video you can see a NO-REALTIME replay of dump'ed Shield-Data.

(Realtime is only available using real shield-data)

So you finally see the processed data from a $40 dollar ecg device ;-)

Here is the Link to the "unfinished" Software i wrote ... *g*

FreeHC_29052013_Share.zip (239 KB)


Category - Science & Technology
License - Standard YouTube License


dorty2k 1 week ago

Well Wikipedia is gone get your friend *g*

The Butterworth-Filter:

Is a Range-Filter applied on Fourier-Transf. followed by Reverse-Fourier-Transf. so the only frequencies left are in the Range of the specified Filter-Values .. for example you could set the filter to 75hz with a range of 25hz so you would get frequencies in a range of 50hz to 100hz ..

... the other filters are trying to get the signal in to a specific heart-beat shape .. their effect is extremly small ..

Portable Arduino ECG Monitor


Topic: EKG/EMG too noisy  (Read 1707 times) - December 20, 2012, 02:32:22 PM »



I've just received the Olimex EKG/EMG shield and the EKG/EMG-PA electrodes.

I've followed every steps in the manual but the result is far from expected.



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