
EMG Youtubes

EMG-Shield V2.0 Published on Jun 11, 2012


Ars Electronica Futurelab-project from 2012: This project deals with the bio signal EMG (Electromyogram) and its potential as a control signal in connection with the Microcontroller-platform Arduino.

The platform offers different pluggable modules, so called Shields, where unfortunately a professional EMG-Shield is missing. Due to this fact a first EMG-Shield prototype was developed. This process included the simulation of the electrical circuits, the implementation of these circuits on a breadboard and finally the verification.

For this the BrainBattle game was modified to test the ability of the EMG-signal as control-input. The test-application showed that it's possible to control a ping-pong-game quite comfortable just by the power of a muscle. This underlines the high controlling-potential of the EMG-signal. The circuit plan and the software will be available for download in the near future.

EMG Circuit Design Project


Electromyography Demo (EMG)



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